The most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved
St Teresa of Calcutta
Everyone is in need, because everyone is in search of Someone who can truly love them. Everything we do in our Parish, from celebrating Mass to run our parish groups for families, young people and adults, is done only for the purpose of bringing people closer to God, the One who can defeat loneliness.
People who live in poverty and suffer from loneliness remind us more than others of this truth. For this reason our Parish is committed in helping those in need particularly through these actions
1. Food bank: We support as a parish different food banks giving the opportunity to those who come to Mass to donate food. We help Eastleigh Basic Bank, Poitiers Care and Meon Valley Foodbank (Bishops Waltham) . You can find baskets for collection in the welcoming areas of our Churches.
2. Homeless: In all of our Churches you can find a box where we encourage people also to donate clothes for the homeless through Two Saints charity.
3. Elderly: Our Priests, youth groups and volunteers are visiting the elderly at where they live, at home or care homes, giving them comfort, support and friendship.