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Communion and Liberation, in its essence, is a proposal for education in the Catholic faith. It is an education that doesn’t end at a certain age, but lasts a lifetime because it is always being renewed and deepened. The same is true of the Gospel, which reveals new discoveries even after we’ve heard it a thousand times. The same is true in the experience of love, of artistic creativity, and even in the simplicity of everyday life. The search for what is true, beautiful, and good, and for happiness is never-ending. This is Christianity: the adventure of life, not a kind of training for life.

No form of membership enrolment is involved, but only the free participation of individual persons. The basic instrument for the formation of those who belong to the Movement is a weekly catechesis which is called the School of Community.

Communion and Liberations helps its members to grow in faith developing the three dimension of the life of a Christian: culture, charity and mission. To find out more and how click the links below.



When and What

School of Community meetings are on Wednesday evening at 8.00pm at the Presbytery (53 Leigh Road - Eastleigh). We'll have a conversation about a topic circulated via email.  You can join the conversation from 8pm also via ZOOM here.

Other meetings. During the year we have also other meetings and initiatives (family friendly holidays, day trips, retreats). 

If you are interested contact the secretary team (email below) to check our next initiatives.




When and What

School of Community meetings are usually every Thursday evening at 8.00pm in St Edward's cloister.


Other meetings. During the year we have also other meetings and initiatives (family friendly holidays, day trips, retreats). 

If you are interested contact fr Raffaele (email below) to check our next initiatives.


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